1 LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU /home/listserv/home/acolug February 2013, week 1 2 35 27_another year another chance11_Paul Andres16_paul@MINSPEAK.DE30_Tue, 5 Feb 2013 17:52:26 -0500538_ISO-8859-1 This is fourth year that the chance has come up to travel to Germany for
a year and work as an au pair with Lennart. Lennart is a user of AAC in
Hannover, Germany. The previous au pairs have all had a fantastic time
and would be happy to tell anyone who is interested more about what is
involved. Lennart is now in third grade (I hope he isn't in fourth grade
already, or he will never speak to me again). Thanks to his many friends
from the US and the UK speaks fluent english as well as his native
[...]28_51118D2A.8020906@minspeak.de0_0_ 38 93 31_Re: another year another chance20_Annamarie Frattarola18_anfratta@GMAIL.COM30_Wed, 6 Feb 2013 12:40:27 +0100629_ISO-8859-1 An incredible experience. One that you will never forget and never regret.
Seize the opportunity my friends!
Annamarie Frattarola
Lennart's Former Aupair
On Feb 5, 2013 5:54 PM, "Paul Andres" <paul@minspeak.de> wrote:

> This is fourth year that the chance has come up to travel to Germany for
> a year and work as an au pair with Lennart. Lennart is a user of AAC in
> Hannover, Germany. The previous au pairs have all had a fantastic time
> and would be happy to tell anyone who is interested more about what is
> involved. Lennart is now [...]66_CAKOsLd-GEZymaMRSX2EDbWLLq-t+0P6J36s6ppMjgCDJZbRDPQ@mail.gmail.com0_0_ 132 235 45_Re: An eBook reader or app for eye gaze user?21_Carrie Sewell Roberts23_carriemsewell@GMAIL.COM30_Thu, 7 Feb 2013 12:03:44 -0500641_windows-1252 Thank you Jim, Cheryl and Barb! I will look into these options!

On Jan 28, 2013 10:41 AM, "Jim Luther" <Luther@cfdsny.org> wrote:

> **
> If the MyToby permits you to open other programs you can try Blio which is
> free and will open epub books. Free ebub books can be found at
> http://www.gutenberg.org/ .****
> It has a simple interface and could be controlled with eye gaze, or by
> hovering the mouse cursor over the little headphone icon and using a switch
> adapted mouse. ****
> ** **
> [...]66_CAJK+U39qdJjLd1cFexoCQ5kq9ATcBnztaX0SpK09e80br0Rrjg@mail.gmail.com0_0_ 368 1415 73_You're Invited! Come on 2/23 to Learn about ACES In-Person (Philadelphia)17_CARRIE L LEONHART19_leonhart@TEMPLE.EDU30_Thu, 7 Feb 2013 14:18:47 -0500489_windows-1252 You're Invited! If you're interested in learning more about the ACES
(Augmentative Communication Empowerment Supports) 2013 program, please join
us on Saturday, 2/23 from 11:00-2:00.
Potential participants, past ACES graduates, interested volunteers, and
staff will spend time learning about the ACES program, sharing a view of
Temple campus, and more!
Please read below or visit the website (disabilities.temple.edu/aces) to
RSVP and find out more. [...]66_CAHzH2XuohPSQ-E_nVQAwMS7_j8AsMpBiuCf6Zksh7jhyncpZ+Q@mail.gmail.com0_0_ 1784 95 47_AAC-RERC: Webcast presented by Michael Williams8_Tom Reed16_treed@TJREED.COM30_Thu, 7 Feb 2013 17:44:23 -0600334_windows-1252 Greetings ACOLUGers,

For the AAC-RERC summary this month I want to make you aware of a webcast called "How Far We’ve Come, How Far We’ve Got to Go: Tales from the Trenches". ­­­­Michael B. Williams, a user of AAC, a partner of the AAC-RERC, and a member of ACOLUG, is the presenter for the webcast. [...]47_4D2064B8-F9A1-455F-8317-4F9ADED1D186@tjreed.com0_0_